Sedan specifications and topped with a new alloy wheels and a decklids top sedan models have been improved integrated retail Aero lip.
General Motors arvioi, Etta verrattuna samankokoisiin bensiinik�ytt�iset ajoneuvot, V s��st�� autoilijat Jopa litraa polttoainetta vuodessa 1892. Tama perustuu yhdysvaltojen tutkimus, Joka tunnistaa 75 prosenttia ty�matkalaisten keskim��r�inen p�ivitt�inen Matka Matka on all 40 Mailia (64 km). Only on tyhjentynyt voltinism akun Energia, Pieni bensiinimoottori tuottaa tarpeeksi S�hk� virtaa ajoneuvon satoja ylim��r�isi� kilometres.GM Myos laskee, Etta latauksen ajoneuvo Yolla Lapi standardized pistorasiaa v�hemm�n S�hk� vuodessa k�ytt�� kuin keskim��r�isen kotitalouden j��kaappi.
Volt has extended Electric Vehicle (E-REV). In a significant advance from conventional hybrids, it uses electricity to move the wheels at all times and speeds. Distances up to 64 km, the Volt is powered only by energy stored in its battery without petrol or producing exhaust emissions. When the battery power runs out, a small gasoline engine to produce electricity for the vehicle to travel hundreds of miles extra. The advanced technology allows the vehicle's battery must be charged less than three hours of normal 240V outlet. Charging times are reduced if the battery is completely discharged. GM estimates that compared to petrol vehicles to an average of 7.8 liters of fuel per 100 km, V, to save motorists up to 1892 liters of fuel per year.
Af Disegni miliardi serieproducerede volt segnale har fra et originalt udviklet Koncept, som p� Bl�ves afsl�ret 2007 North American International Auto Show Detroit di i. General Motors energieffektivt oprettet progettazione har til you k�ret�j Produktion, hvilket I resulterer mest af IT i virksomhedens Biler aerodynamiske Historie. Mange af er fra konceptbilen tidskoder disegni overf�rt blevet i produktion volt k�lergrill lukkede herunder, og Grafik holdning atletiske borsa di design. All'interno, il cereale tilbyde Volt Plads, Komfort, og sikkerhed bekvemmelighed Funktionen, som IT I sedan Passager kunderne forventer fuoco.